Publications Resulting from Prior NSF Support for First Phase of Project.
Bennardo, G. (Ed.) (in press).
Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
(delivered in April 2018 and to be published in Fall 2018)
Book Chapters:
Adem, A. T. (in press).
Vernacular Explanations of Rainfall Variability in Highland Ethiopia. In Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Bennardo, G. (in press).
Cultural Models of Nature Across Cultures: Space, Causality, and Primary Food Producers. In A Companion to Cross-Cultural Research. Oxford: Wiley.
Bennardo, G. (2018).
Cultural Models in Tongan Metacognition. In J. Proust and M. Forier (Eds.). Metacognitive Diversity: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (peer reviewed)
Bennardo, G. (in press).
Introduction. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Bennardo, G. (in press).
Cultural Models of Tonga, Polynesia. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Bennardo, G. (in press).
Conclusion. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
De Lima, M. L. (in press).
“Plants are Cooking Under the Soil:” Food Production, Models of Nature and Climate Change Perceptions Among Indigenous Peasant Communities (Amazonia, Brazil). In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
De Munck, V. C. (in press).
Lithuanian Farmers in a Time of Economic and Environmental Ambiguity. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Jones, E. (in press).
Ecuadorian Quichua-Speaking Farmers’ Cultural Models of Climate, Change, and Morality. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Lyon, S. M. and Mughal, M. A. Z. (in press).
Cultural Models of Nature and Divinity in a Rain Fed Farming Village of Punjab, Pakistan. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Paini, A. (forthcoming).
The in press of Woodland in the Dolomites (Italian Alps). In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Shimizu, H. and C. Fukushima. (in press).
Human Nature of Nature: Cultural Models of Food Production and Nature in the Northern Kanto Plain of Japan. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Widlok, T. (in press).
Domesticating Categories of the Wild Environment: Eliciting Cultural Models of Nature among Hai//om. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Wiegele, K. (in press).
Fishermen’s Concepts of Environmental and Climate Change in Batangas, Philippines. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Zhang, W. (in press).
Flowing Between Certainty and Uncertainty Rhythmically : Spirit’s Power and Human Efforts in a Kachin Cultural Model of Nature and Environment in Southwest China. In G. Bennardo (Ed.). Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Articles in Journals:
Bennardo, Giovanni. (2017).
Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Bennardo, Giovanni. (2017).
Introduction. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Bennardo, Giovanni. (2017).
The Moon Makes Yams Grow: Tongans (Polynesians) and Nature. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
De Munck, Victor C. (2017).
Lithuanian Farmers, Nature and the Ties that Bind. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1
Jones, Eric. (2017).
Care for the Soil and Live Respectfully: A Cultural Model of Environmental Change in Andean Northern Ecuador. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Lyon, Steve. (2017).
Categories and Cultural Models of Nature in Northern Punjab, Pakistan. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Paini, Anna. (2017).
It Was like Velvet: Cultural Nature in Vinigo (Dolomites). In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Shimizu, Hidetada. (2017).
Like a Bonsai Tree: Models of Food Production and Nature in the Northern Kanto Plain of Japan. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Widlok, Thomas. (2017).
No Easy Talk about the Weather: Eliciting “Cultural Models of Nature” among Hai//om. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Wiegele, Katharine L. (2017).
Fishermen’s Concepts of Environmental and Climate Change in Batangas, Philippines. In Primary Food Producers, Climate Change, and Cultural Models of Nature. Special Issue of World Cultures, 22:1.
Bennardo, Giovanni. (2014).
The Fundamental Role of Causal Models in Cultural Models of Nature. Frontiers in Psychology. (peer reviewed)
Bennardo, Giovanni. (2014).
Cognitive Anthropology’s Contributions to Cognitive Science: A Cultural Human Mind, A Methodological Trajectory, and Ethnography. TopiCS (Topics in Cognitive Science), 6, 1: 138-140. (peer reviewed)
Bennardo, Giovanni (Ed.). (2015).
Proceedings of Workshop: Local Knowledge and Climate Change: Fieldwork Experiences, Working Papers #3. Dekalb, IL: Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability, and Energy (ESE) at Northern Illinois University. (PDF at
Bennardo, Giovanni (Ed.). (2012).
Proceedings of Workshop: Cultural Models of Nature and the Environment: Self, Space, and Causality. Working Paper #1. DeKalb, IL.: Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability, and Energy (ESE), NIU. (PDF at
Working Paper:
Bennardo, Giovanni, et al. (2015).
A Methodological Trajectory to Investigate Cultural Models: Blending Two Approaches. Working Paper #2. DeKalb, IL: Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability, and Energy (ESE), NIU. (PDF at